Thursday, January 20, 2011


Just when I started to cheer myself up,
trying stand up from that fall I had..
Another wave of distraction hit me down again..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stormy Life

Sometimes when u realized how much collateral damage u've done
in ur life and the ones around u..
Would u think how sinful u are..
And, will it be ending the same way.. Unredeemable..

*listening to Hillsongs' Take All of Me*

I do not know how will things happen from hereafter..
I can only be praying for my own redemption..
I know He's the almighty, ever loving God..
I can only tell Him that I was wrong, and I'm sorry for the things I've done..

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Since when...

Time always fades without a slightest notice of it..
And as days pass by, I couldn't help to take note that getting together needs more patience and care than what we ought to think is enough..
It's more like a continuous lesson that we always have to learn,
to give what's best or better for the other..
And at times wanting to give in but not giving up options I could possibly opt for..
And this is where all the difficulties are found..
Most of all the time when it comes to situations whence patience is put to test,
I'd fail times after times..
And those are nonetheless moments I shed tears for my failures..
And at times, I just feel like sighing..
Losing the wisdom to speak of what's right or even nice to hear..
Please don't get mad at me dear..
Give me a little patience and teach me to be a little patient..

Monday, June 7, 2010

......I ♥ you.......

I just wana say that I really love u.. Muacks..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I remember us.. 15310

Specially dedicated to Michelle, my love

This is what I've planned to surprise u, dear..
Our first month together spent with the companion of
all these sweet memories..
Of course, there were some minor misunderstandings happened
But for all that had happened, I'm learning more about
you, more about myself, & more about ourselves..
I love you, just the way you are..
And you're attractive

Let u guess what are these numbers below

Familiar? =) These are the dates I remember
our looks on the photo..
our dates.. These memorable moments are kept in my heart



On one fine day (4.4.10) there was a guy named JH went to a shopping complex
where he met one fine attractive girl..
He sat down near the girl, to get to know her..
JH: Wat you looking at missy.. Can I be your friend? My name is JH
MS: Oh hi~ Hmmm, why would you want to know me..
JH: Just want to know you.. Can u tell me your name?
MS: Ok~ My name is MS.. Nice to know you..
MS: *giggle* nothing..
JH: Can I treat u something?
MS: Hmmm..
JH: Just to get to know u better..
MS: OK~ Wow.. this is delicious.. U want some?
=) Haha.. Dear, i hope u like this surprise..
There's a saying that sounds like, never fail to surprise the woman
you love, that's the secret to have her heart fell so deep for you..
I hope I had your heart sunk deep into the My Sea of Love
I love you, just the way you are, dear..
What I want most, if for you to just be yourself...
Haha.. You've never expected me to remember these dates rite?
the matter of fact is, I do remember these special dates..
These special NUMBERS
I'm looking forward to see more of our looks together,
sweet & lovely as in these photos..
I want to write our own stories..
Stories that we'll both always recall
Fairy tales that we may share to others =)

I love you, suet

Friday, April 2, 2010

Colours:It's just her that I love so much

Specially dedicated to Michelle, my love

It's been almost a month since we got together
I couldn't help thinking why would you attracted me so much
Despite your petite look, you're sometimes quite tough during time of pressure
But now that we've got together, I noticed that you have
give in much easier to rely on me..
I just found out that I want you to rely on me..
But that's the thing about you, funny but lovely
Spending time together has been something like a routine
but i'm never bored by it..
In fact, it's becoming more of a habit now..
It's not just about being together in a relationship,
You've filled the emptiness that I had been feeling..
You've been my ears, that listen to my everything..
the comforting touch you give that tells me I'm not alone..

Sometimes I can just calm all my worries by just looking at you..
And sometimes,my heart beats faster than bullet train when I see you..

My palms sweat in the presence of your beauty,
because sometimes it's just breathtaking..
there's a rush where I wanna just hug you & tell you..
You're beautiful.. & have deeply attracted me..
Watching bloody movies with violent scences, I'm always the one
seemed like hiding behind you..
But it was during those times, I looked at you quietly..
Thinking of you just make my day happier
And with every moments we spent together
You're bringing colours to my dreams, memorable & lovely..
It's been so long since I could remember one.. when they are all just BLACK and
you're giving me episodes of my dreams, and we're writing chapters of our stories..
Every day has just been more meaningful to live
It's not just me alone in my world, but you've become part of who I am now..
Welcome to my world, our world..
It's just you that I love so much..
with love, Timothy

Friday, March 26, 2010

The smell of a Free Saturday Morning

Yo! This is what I call a morning worth enjoying =) lol. I just got back from opening ceremony of Co-curricular activities. Just finished a relaxed bath which I've not been able to enjoy since the start of the term. @@ Anyway, just posting it as a remembrance of this day that I should feel happy about. Hurray! haha..